So, let me set the scene for you, like a good author does... imagine hating public speaking, being the kid whos every parents evening was reminded how quiet he was, then put him in a crowded room. And tell him to speak to them all.
Well that sounds alot like me.
When I completed my final counselling session, I told Cancercare that I wanted to donate 50% of my book sales to them, they were kind enough to support me in this process. Before my local press tour, we decided we were going to do a book launch in Barrow Library.
In the months leading up to the book launch, I spent some time promoting the book. This time i would let the pre order period run a little longer, giving me 6 months this time. With some targetted marketing on social media and some website edits it soon dawned on me that the launch was coming.
I dont think it hit me what I was really doing until the press release went out to the local newspaper. The next day, people started to ask about the book and about the reason I was donating. Because of my Emily. It hit me quite hard at first and I felt quite vulnerable that suddenly so many people knew about my loss. But, after a moment I took a breathe and smiled.
The whole reason i was donating was because of the thoughts, feelings and emotions me and my family felt when we lost our little Emily. I wanted to tell people, that it was okay to seek help when faced with such a painful experience. I know in myself how grateful I am for having been through the process and sometimes, just talking. I could talk ALL day about the positives of it but, maybe ill drop a blog on that another day.
Now to the launch.
Being honest, i wasnt expecting much of a turn out for the launch. But, I was so very wrong. I had a full house. With a mix of family, friends, supporters and the most incredible people I have had the provilige to talk to, suddenly the book launch felt easy.
With a seamless talk between everyones favourite librarian and myself, the launch flew by and I was able to talk about the book, my writing experiences and what drove me to do what I did. It was so much fun. After the launch the books would continue to sell from my little collection and I am pleased to reveal that so far, everyone who has bought a copy of Project Vanguard (And copies of Under The Skin), has helped me raise £160!
So, with that, I just wanted to share to my thoughts and feelings with you all... and say thank you to all of you who have supported me so far. Now who is ready for my next novel?.. 📚📝